Inference on Variable Importance Measure 2편

5 minute read


  1. Demystifying statistical learning based on efficient influence functions
  2. Semiparametric doubly robust targeted double machine learning: a review
  3. A General Framework for Inference on Algorithm-Agnostic Variable Importance
  4. Variable importance measures for heterogeneous causal effects

변수의 중요도에 대한 통계적 추론 (Inference on Variable Importance Measure (VIM))

import os
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import tqdm


Simulation 데이터 세팅은 다음과 같다:

  • 데이터 개수 $n = 1000$
  • 변수 개수 $p = 5$
  • treatment ($\sigma(\cdot)$은 sigmoid function):
\[A \sim Ber(\sigma(0.5 \cdot X_1 -0.4 \cdot X_2 + 0.3 \cdot X_3 + 0.2 \cdot X_4 -0.1 \cdot X_5))\]
  • Conditional ATE:
\[\tau(X) = 1 \cdot X_1 -2 \cdot X_2 -3 \cdot X_3 -4 \cdot X_4 +5 \cdot X_5\]
  • Outcome:
\[Y \sim N(-5 \cdot X_1 -4 \cdot X_2 + 3 \cdot X_3 -2 \cdot X_4 +1 \cdot X_5 + A \cdot \tau(X), 1)\]

위의 확률 분포를 토대로, 아래와 같이 python으로 simulation data를 생성할 수 있다.

n =  1000
p =  5
X =  np.random.uniform(low=-1,  high=1,  size=(n, p))
beta =  np.array([[0.5,  -0.4,  0.3,  0.2,  -0.1]])
logit = X @ beta.T
prob =  1  / (1  +  np.exp(-logit))
treatment =  np.random.binomial(n=1,  p=prob)

beta =  np.array([[1,  -2,  -3,  -4,  5]])
cate = X @ beta.T
beta =  np.array([[-5,  -4,  3,  -2,  1]])
outcome = X @ beta.T + treatment * cate +  np.random.normal(size=(n, 1))
data =  np.concatenate([X, treatment, outcome], axis=1)
covariates =  ['X{}'.format(i+1)  for i in  range(p)]
data =  pd.DataFrame(data, columns=covariates +  ['treatment',  'outcome'])


1. 기계학습 방법론을 언제, 어디서 사용해야 할까?

아래와 같은 총 3개의 기계학습 모형이 필요:

  1. 조건부 기댓값(conditional expectation) : $Q_n(a, x) = \hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y \vert A=a, X=x]$ where $\hat{P}_n$ be any distribution of $(X, A, Y)$ such that
    • $X$의 주변 분포가 empirical distribution으로 주어지고,
    • $Y$ given $A = a$ for $a = 0, 1$ and $X = X_i$ for $i = 1, \cdots, n$의 조건부 기댓값이 랜덤 포레스트 회귀 알고리즘을 이용해 추정한 $\hat{\mathbb{E}} [Y \vert A=a, X=X_i]$와 동일
  2. propensity score : 랜덤 포레스트 분류 알고리즘을 이용해 $\pi_n(a, x) = \hat{Pr}(A=a \vert X=x)$ 추정
  3. subset conditional expectation : 랜덤 포레스트 회귀 알고리즘을 이용해 $Q_{n,s}(a, x) = \hat{\mathbb{E}} [Q_n(a, x) \vert X_{-s} = x_{-s} ]$ 추정
    • $Q_n(A_i, X_i)$를 $X_{i, -s}$에 대해서 regress

위의 3가지 모형을 이용해, 아래와 같은 추가적인 함수를 정의 및 계산:

  • treatment rule: $f_n(x) = I(Q_n(1, x) > Q_n(0, x))$
  • subset treatment rule: $f_{n, s}(x) = I(Q_{n, s}(1, x) > Q_{n, s}(0, x))$
  • Estimate of the nonparametric EIF of $P \mapsto V(f_0, P)$ at $P_0$:
\[\phi_n: z \mapsto \frac{I(a = f_n(x))}{\pi_n(f_n(x), x)} (y - Q_n(f_n(x), x)) + Q_n(f_n(x), x) - V(f_n, P_n)\]
  • Estimate of the nonparametric EIF of $P \mapsto V(f_{0, s}, P)$ at $P_0$:
\[\phi_{n,s}: z \mapsto \frac{I(a = f_{n, s}(x))}{\pi_n(f_{n, s}(x), x)} (y - Q_n(f_{n, s}(x), x)) + Q_n(f_{n, s}(x), x) - V(f_{n,s}, P_n)\]
  • Estimate of the oracle predictiveness:
\[V(f_n, \hat{P}_n) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y \vert A=f_n(X_i), X=X_i]\]
  • Estimate of the subset oracle predictiveness:
\[V(f_{n, s}, \hat{P}_n) = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^n \hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y \vert A=f_{n, s}(X_i), X=X_i]\]
  • one-step estimator of $V(f_0, P_0)$:
\[v_n = V^*(\hat{P}_n) + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \phi_n(Z_i)\]
  • one-step estimator of $V(f_{0, s}, P_0)$:
\[v_{n,s} = V(f_{n,s}, \hat{P}_n) + \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \phi_{n, s}(Z_i)\]
  • 점근 분산 (asymptotic variance):
\[\tau_{n,s}^2 = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n (\phi_n(Z_i) - \phi_{n, s}(Z_i))^2\]
from sklearn import linear_model
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn import metrics

K =  2  # cross-fitted inference
m = data.shape[0]  // K
index_list =  [m * i for i in  range(K)]  +  [data.shape[0]]
  • K는 cross-fitted inference를 위한 데이터 fold의 개수이고, index_list는 데이터를 나누기 위한 관측치 번호이다.
    • $\mathcal{D} = \mathcal{D}_1 \cup \mathcal{D}_2$
    • $\mathcal{D}_1$: fitting algorithm fitting
    • $\mathcal{D}_2$: nonparametric EIF and predictive measure calculation
  • index_list를 이용해 아래와 같이 train($\mathcal{D}_1$), test($\mathcal{D}_2$) 데이터를 나눌 수 있다.
    idx = index_list[i]
    train = data.iloc[index_list[i] : index_list[i+1]]
    test =  pd.concat([data.iloc[: index_list[i]], data.iloc[index_list[i+1] : ]], axis=0)

2. 기계학습 모형 및 필요한 함수 정의

  • conditional expectation: $Q_n(a, x) = \hat{\mathbb{E}}[Y \vert A=a, X=x]$
    conditional_mean =  RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0)[covariates +  ['treatment']], train['outcome'])
  • propensity score: $\pi_n(a, x) = \hat{Pr}(A=a \vert X=x)$
    propensity_score =  RandomForestClassifier(random_state=0)[covariates], train['treatment'])
  • treatment rule: $f_n(x) = I(Q_n(1, x) > Q_n(0, x))$
    test1 =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test1['treatment']  =  1
    test0 =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test0['treatment']  =  0
    treatment_rule = (conditional_mean.predict(test1[covariates +  ['treatment']])  >
                    conditional_mean.predict(test0[covariates +  ['treatment']])).astype(int)
  • subset conditional expectation $Q_{n,s}(a, x) = \hat{\mathbb{E}} [Q_n(a, x) \vert X_{-s} = x_{-s} ]$
    pred =  conditional_mean.predict(train[covariates +  ['treatment']])
    conditional_mean_residual =  RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0)[subset_complement +  ['treatment']], pred)
  • subset treatment rule: $f_{n, s}(x) = I(Q_{n, s}(1, x) > Q_{n, s}(0, x))$
    test1 =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test1['treatment']  =  1
    test0 =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test0['treatment']  =  0
    treatment_rule_residual = (conditional_mean_residual.predict(test1[subset_complement +  ['treatment']])  >
                             conditional_mean_residual.predict(test0[subset_complement +  ['treatment']])).astype(int)
  • Estimate of the nonparametric EIF of $P \mapsto V(f_0, P)$ at $P_0$
    indicator =  np.array((test['treatment']  == treatment_rule).astype(float))
    prob = (propensity_score.predict_proba(test[covariates])  *  np.eye(2)[treatment_rule]).sum(axis=1)
    test_ =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test_['treatment']  = treatment_rule
    EIF = (indicator / prob) * (test_['outcome']  -  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']]))
    EIF +=  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']])
    predictiveness =  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']]).mean()
    EIF -= predictiveness

여기서, $V(f_n, \hat{P}_n)$는 predictiveness와 동일

  • Estimate of the nonparametric EIF of $P \mapsto V(f_{0, s}, P)$ at $P_0$
    indicator =  np.array((test['treatment']  == treatment_rule_residual).astype(float))
    prob = (propensity_score.predict_proba(test[covariates])  *  np.eye(2)[treatment_rule_residual]).sum(axis=1)
    test_ =  pd.DataFrame.copy(test)
    test_['treatment']  = treatment_rule_residual
    EIF_residual = (indicator / prob) * (test_['outcome']  -  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']]))
    EIF_residual +=  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']])
    predictiveness_residual =  conditional_mean.predict(test_[covariates +  ['treatment']]).mean()
    EIF_residual -= predictiveness_residual

여기서, $V(f_{n, s}, \hat{P}_n)$는 predictiveness_residual과 동일

  • Estimate of VIM: $v_n - v_{n,s}$
    oracle = (predictiveness +  EIF.mean()) - (predictiveness_residual +  EIF_residual.mean())
  • 점근 분산의 추정
    asymptotic_variance = ((EIF - EIF_residual) **  2).mean()

(전체 완결된 python 코드는 참조)

3. VIM의 95% 신뢰구간

result =  [(n,
			p -  1.96  * v /  np.sqrt(data.shape[0]),
			p +  1.96  * v /  np.sqrt(data.shape[0]),
			p) for p, v, n in  zip(VIM, var, covariates)]

# 시각화
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.errorbar([x[0]  for x in result],
			[x[3]  for x in result],
			[x[2]  - x[3]  for x in result],
			linestyle='None',  marker='o')


  • $X_5$가 가장 높은 population-level 중요도를 가짐
    • population-level 중요도란? 전체 설명변수에서 $X_5$ 변수를 제외하였을 때 감소하는 oracle predictiveness의 양
  • $s = {5}$일 때, VIM $\psi_{n, s} = 0.64$이고 점근적으로 유효한 $\psi_{0, s}$의 95% 신뢰구간은 $(0.20, 1.08)$
  • 만약 우리가 전체 설명변수에서 $X_5$를 제외한다면, 우리가 얻는 oracle potential outcome mean (predictiveness measure)은 0.64가 감소
